Where do you ship to?

We try to make sure that every person who is part of our Attro World family is able to order online from our website. If for any reason, your pin code is out of our delivery area, please do contact us and we will try to see if we can service you using a local courier. You can check if we service your pincode using our pincode checker on the product detail page.

We currently do not ship our products internationally – if you are located outside India, and you would like to place an order with us, please contact us on accounts@attroworld.com, and we will try to fulfill your order.

What are your shipping charges?

We provide free shipping for all orders over Rs. 1000. For any orders under Rs. 1000, we charge a nominal shipping fee of Rs. 100.

How long will it take for my Attro World order to reach me?

Your order will ship within 24-48 hours of it being placed. It usually takes a maximum of 5-7 days for the order to reach the final destination. However, we are dependent on our courier partners, and due to circumstances out of our control, there might be unforeseen delays. We do our best however, to ensure that your order reaches you at the earliest possible – we are as excited about you using our products as you are about receiving them!

How can I view the status of my order?

You will receive an email / whatsapp notification confirming your order, payment and address details.

Once your order has been processed, we will send you a dispatch notification confirming that your order has been shipped. This will also include the carrier and tracking information as well as a link to the Courier website which would display the estimated delivery date of your order. We aim to contact you via email or telephone if:

  • We require further information from you to process your order
  • We need to make changes to your order (e.g. availability dates, product upgrades)
  • We encounter problems during delivery

Timeframe for Returns:

Stainless steel kitchenware items should have a clearly defined timeframe within which customers can return the products. Typically, this period ranges from 3 days after the date of purchase. This allows customers sufficient time to inspect the product and decide if it meets their expectations.

Condition of the Item:

The return policy should specify the condition in which the stainless steel kitchenware items must be returned. Generally, items should be in unused and undamaged condition, with all original packaging and tags intact. This helps ensure that returned items can be resold or refurbished as necessary.

Refund or Exchange Options:

The policy should outline the available options for customers, such as a refund or an exchange for another product. Some policies may offer store Gift card as an alternative. Clear communication on these options helps manage customer expectations and provides flexibility for different customer preferences.Refund Process will be 15 working days

Exceptions and Exclusions:

The return policy should highlight any exceptions or exclusions, especially if there are specific conditions under which returns will not be accepted. This could include items that have been customized, personalized, or items with clear signs of misuse. Providing transparency about these exceptions helps prevent misunderstandings and ensures a fair and consistent application of the return policy.